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Registry of Italians living abroad (A.I.R.E.)

PLEASE NOTE. Requests for AIRE enrollment or changes in respective registry positions that are submitted through FAST IT are processed with priority over those that reach the Office through other forms of communication.

Fast It

Law No. 470 of October 27, 1988 stipulates that all Italian citizens who transfer their residence abroad for a period of more than 12 months must–within 90 days from the date of arrival in the foreign country make a special declaration at the Consulate responsible for geographical jurisdiction. This declaration produces the registration of the citizen in the Registry of Italians Resident Abroad (A.I.R.E.) and the consequent cancellation from the Registry of the Population Resident in Italy (A.P.R.).

Registration with the A.I.R.E. is a prerequisite for obtaining from the relevant consulate all registry, electoral and civil status services, including the issuance/renewal of an Italian passport.

Click here for more information (Reference Office: D.G.IT. – OFFICE II)



Enrollment in the A.I.R.E. can be done through two distinct modalities (among them alternatives):

• a declaration by the interested party through FAST-IT, the online consular services portal;

• ex officio, at the initiative of the consulate (where the conditions are met).

Having ascertained the completeness of the declaration and the appropriateness of the documents attached to it, the Consulate will solicit the Italian municipality of last residence or, if applicable, the municipality of transcription of the birth certificate, for the relevant registration in A.I.R.E.

Documents to be attached to the online declaration:

  • photocopy of the Italian passport (pages with personal data, date of issuance and expiration, residence, signature of the holder, any renewals); for minors, please include the passport page with parents’ names (page 5);
  • legal title of residence in the U.S. (visa, green card, U.S. passport or, if dual citizen certificate of naturalization);
  • copy of document proving actual domicile in the district (alternatively to each other: driver’s license, copies of household utility bills, etc.).

Technical note: Only pdf documents scanned at 150-200dpi will be accepted. Photos taken with mobile devices or images will not be accepted. Through the online portal, you can upload 3 multipage pdf files (up to 1MB each).

Please note

  • The creation of the user account in Fast It DOES NOT automatically COMPLETE AIRE enrollment/update
  • The data entered must reflect EXACTLY those on your Italian passport
  • If you do not have an Italian passport, the data must reflect EXACTLY those shown on the original birth certificate, issued by the Italian municipality
  • Any middle names must be entered in the “NAME” field
  • Dates entered must be in European format DAY / MONTH / YEAR

As of December 2018, it is also possible to authenticate on the site via SPID.

Only in exceptional and adequately justified cases, the declaration (form) made by the interested party for himself/herself and his/her household, complete with the above documents, may be sent to the Consulate by e-mail to



The citizen residing abroad, similarly to what happens in Italy, must promptly notify this Consulate General of any change of address by sending through the online portal FAST-IT the Declaration of Change of Address or Repatriation together with a copy of his/her passport and proof of new residence in the U.S. in this consular district (copy of ONE bill for example: electricity, telephone, bank communications, insurance, etc. in the name of the applicant or a member of his/her household).



Una volta trasferito, il cittadino è tenuto a contattare il nuovo Ufficio Consolare competente, il quale provvederà alla nuova registrazione.

I cittadini italiani residenti all’estero che si trasferiscano in un’altra circoscrizione consolare devono dichiararlo entro 90 giorni al nuovo Ufficio consolare competente, che ne informerà il Comune italiano di riferimento e l’Ufficio consolare presso cui il cittadino era iscritto in precedenza.



Once relocated, the citizen is required to contact the new relevant Consular Office, which will arrange for re-registration.

Italian citizens residing abroad who move to another consular district must declare this within 90 days to the new competent Consular Office, which will inform the Italian municipality of reference and the Consular Office where the citizen was previously registered.



Enrollment in the A.I.R.E. is free and immediate and entails cancellation from the services provided by the National Health Care in Italy.

It represents a right-duty of the citizen and guarantees him/her the exercise of fundamental civic rights such as registration in the electoral rolls and participation in political consultations and referendums. It avoids cancellation from the resident population due to presumed untraceability and allows rapid processing of all consular paperwork.

Once registered in A.I.R.E., the compatriot is obliged to promptly inform this Consulate General about any changes that may occur over time regarding his residence (change of address/transfer/repatriation). For this purpose, the form on this page may be sent by e-mail to



Si informa che gli schedari consolari NON hanno valore anagrafico;

gli uffici consolari NON possono pertanto rilasciare certificati di nascita, residenza ne’ di stato di famiglia.

Il Consolato potrà rilasciare solo un’attestazione di iscrizione nello schedario , nelle quali si potrà indicare che l’interessato risulta abitare all’indirizzo presente in schedario, nonché quale risulta essere, sempre nello schedario, la composizione del nucleo familiare.

Il certificato di residenza AIRE così come lo stato di famiglia o il certificato di nascita potranno essere rilasciati dall’unico ente italiano titolare delle funzioni anagrafiche, cioe’ dal Comune di iscrizione AIRE.