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Tax Code

The Tax Identification Number and the Tax PIN and password needed to access “Fisconline” may be requested by Italian citizens living abroad and foreign citizens based on which Italian Consulate serves your area.

a) Italian Tax ID (“Codice Fiscale”): may be requested by downloading and filling out this form and attaching thereto a copy of your Italian passport or US passport and a copy of a US driver’s license. You may submit your request by email to, or by postal mail addressed to the Consulate General of Italy in Boston.

b) Italian Tax PIN (“PIN Fiscale”): it consists of two parts. Part one and the password to access “Fisconline” can be requested from the Consular Office which serves your area after you register with the Agenzia delle Entrate’s (Italian Tax Agency) website.

Italian citizens registered abroad
, will have to email or fax the copy of the Tax PIN request, with a copy of a valid ID to their Consulate of reference. The Consulate will validate the request. For those living in the area under our jurisdiction, please send your request via email to

If the request is accepted, the Consulate will inform the applicant of the first 4 numbers of the PIN code, the password for the first-time access to the restricted area of the online services and the instructions on how to obtain the second part of the PIN code.

Those temporarily abroad
 and not enrolled with the Anagrafe of Italian citizens residing abroad (AIRE), after submitting the copy of the request for the PIN code to the Consulate of reference, they will have to come to the corresponding Consulate in person with a valid ID. For those living in the area under our jurisdiction, please send your request via email to

The Consulate will validate the request. If the request is accepted, the Consulate will give the applicant the first 4 numbers of the PIN code, the password for the first-time access to the restricted area of the online services and the instructions on how to obtain the second part of the PIN code.


Information and forms:

Codice fiscale request form

Instruction on how to fill the form